A solution for everyone

A simplified solution for one or more people, or one or more entities of a company, in order to organize the activities for work in project mode. The integration of internal and external actors is also possible (MOA, MOE, customers wishing to follow the evolution of their needs).

Big business
A solution to achieve better management of programs, project portfolios and the activities of subsidiaries, departments or a company’s entities. The alignment of projects with the strategic orientation of the company as well as streamlining information is carried out in compliance with the project management methods implemented in maestroPROJET®.
- Intra-company sessions
- Remote sessions
- Customized sessions

Intra-company session
1. Participants: on-site with employees at the client’s premises.
2. Grouping of employees by profile type: 2-5 people maximum per session.
3. Training catalog specific to the profiles, with training exercises adapted to users’ needs.
Educational Resources
• Client’s premises must be equipped with computers, or each user provides their own computer, with internet access.
• Training materials prepared by the service provider.
½ day or 1 day.

Remote session
1. Participants: employees working abroad or unavailable and cannot attend on-site training sessions.
2. Grouping of employees by profile type: 1-5 people maximum per remote session.
3. Training catalog specific to the profiles, with exercises adapted to users’ needs.
Educational resources
• Screen sharing via a WebEx-like solution, Skype Business or other solution with a screen sharing option and voice communication.
• Training materials prepared by the service provider.
½ day.

Customized sessions and coaching
Customized training sessions are designed according to the client’s requests.